How to create users at IVMS web client

2021-04-22   FAQ   1556   Ian   Inquire Now

1.After installed your Intelligent Vehicle Monitoring System (IVMS) server, The first step is to login your admin account


Default password:admin

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture1 

2.Following the steps shows in the picture below to add a level 1 user.

>>Management >> user management >> Add

>> input user name, account , number of terminal licenses

>> click detail information >> set max download traffic from 200 to 0 to remove traffic restrictions

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture2

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture3

3.Vehicle terminal management

Following the steps shows in the picture below to add terminals

>> Management >> Terminal management

>>Choose Add or Batch add to determine to add one or multiple consecutive terminals

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture4

4.>> click Sale to sale teminals to the level 1 account you added >> save

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture5

5.Add terminals to Storage server and Download server for setting wifi download plan and record plan

>> Servers >> Storage server and Download server >> select all >> add select

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture6 


6.Login your level 1 account that you added, the default password is 000000

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture7

7.Add Role

>>Management >> Role management >> add

>>input Name >> choose the authority that you want to give >> save

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture8 

8.Add level 2 account for your client

>>Management >> User management >> add

>>input Account, Name >> choose the role you added >> detail information

>>choose your user grade >> set max download traffic from 200 to 0 >> save

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture9 

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture10

9.Device Authorized

>> choose the account that you want to add terminals >> click unauthorized

>>choose the terminals that you want to give (one terminal could add to multiple different account at the same time)>> save

 How to create users at IVMS web client Picture11

10.You could use your level 2 account to create level 3 sub-account, if you give your level 2 role Operation management authorities, and also You could use your level 3 account to create level 4 sub-account as long as your role has the Operation management authorities, and so on.

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture12

Without Operation management authorities, you can’t create sub-account anymore

How to create users at IVMS web client Picture13


How to create users at IVMS web client Picture14How to create users at IVMS web client.docx

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