How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report

2020-06-12   FAQ   1137   Savoy   Inquire Now

When we use IVMS Client to check the ADAS/DSM alarm, we will get this sometimes, and can not get the ADAS/DSM report, but it is working at web client side, so we need to check the IVMS Client problem. We need to install the newest IVMS Client version, if you do not have this , you can ask our engineer send it to you.

How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report Picture1

How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report Picture2

1. First, close the IVMS Client, then open the IVMS installation directory, find the app.ini file.

How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report Picture3

2. Open the app.ini file and change USE_DIGITAL_DEV_ID =0 to USE_DIGITAL_DEV_ID =1, then save it.

How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report Picture4

3. Use your account login the IVMS client again, then search the ADAS/DSM alarm, you will find it is working now.

How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report Picture5

How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report Picture6


How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report Picture7How to fix IVMS client can not find the ADAS&DSM alarm report.docx

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