
2019-11-01   FAQ   1149   Ian   Inquire Now

1 . Preparation

  • Install IVMS server to the file path,  for example ( C:\Program Files (x86)\IVMS Server\ )

  • Copy the file ”ini“ to  C:\Program Files (x86)\IVMS Server

  • Create a path C:\Program Files (x86)\IVMS Server\IVMSPublisher\, (notes: it is not path of bin)

  • Copy the push program to the newly created directory C:\Program Files (x86)\IVMS Server\IVMSPublisher

Configure the correct web server ip, port, url, username, password, etc. in IVMSDataPublisher.ini

2 . Configure the file “ini”

(1) Open the file “libgpstran_kt_publisher.ini” , modify “video_url”, point out the right IP and port.



(2) Open the file “IVMSDataPublisher.ini” , modify all url, point out the right IP and port






(3) User name, password. etc

3 . Install “IVMSDataPublisher.exe” as a service

In the installation directory, as an administrator input “ cmd “

Install the services command:  IVMSDataPublisher.exe  /install

After the command installation, you can find related services in the service management of the system, click start.

Data-Transfer  Picture1

If the service has to delete, the command is: IVMSDataPublisher.exe  /uninstall

4 . Other

The data of IVMS will be sent to IVMSDataPublisher via redis.

The channel as below :

Device Alarm:  GW_TK_ALARM

Device status :  GW_TK_STATUS

The current API:

Status API       http://IP:Port/api/Ulasim/AracKonumlariGonder

Alarm API       http://IP:Port/api/Ulasim/AracAcilDurumGonder

5. Simulating the client's server description

(1) configure the java environment to install jdk-8u131-windows-i586_8.0.1310.11

(2) configure the jdk environment

Data-Transfer  Picture2

(3) find the turkeyAPI-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT server directory cmd

Java -jar turkeyAPI-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Data-Transfer  Picture3

The analog device is reported to the IVMS server.

Data-Transfer  Picture4


Data-Transfer  Picture5


Data-Transfer  Picture6Data-Transfer .docx

Still Have Questions?

If you would like help finding the right information to meet your requirement please leave us a message below, one of our sales representatives will be happy to assist you shortly!

Zach Fan Frank Liu Candy