How to get track option in IVMSClient

2020-03-27   FAQ   1147   Ian   Inquire Now

There is a strange phenomenon that the First Account has track option, but the Second account do not has it.

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How to get track option in IVMSClient Picture2

Kindly follow the steps to solve the issue.

First, Please login the Database via Navicat and search the “variable” table. Then enable the Track as below. Please change the value from 0 to 1.

How to get track option in IVMSClient Picture3

Second. Please login the web side with admin account and edit the role.

Click the Track Playback option and save.

How to get track option in IVMSClient Picture4

Finally. Exit then Login you second account again. 

How to get track option in IVMSClient Picture5


How to get track option in IVMSClient Picture6How to get track option in IVMSClient.doc

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