How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied

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How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied

How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture1

How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture2

The cause of this problem above pictures is that DB checker is not executed correctly.

1. First, you should backup your mysql data.

How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture3

2. Stop follow server and add a new mysql server .

How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture4

3. Select correct mysql version, the Version should be same with older version, select mysql backup file path in step 1 as Data Path.

How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture5


the default data path for old server is ……\IVMS Server\mysql\gserver_dbdata

the default data path for new server is ……\MySQL Server for IVMS\Data\IVMSMYSQL_Data

4. And then, open ivmssvrwizard.exe.

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How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture8

5. The last step is DB checker, after show success and start the server program,it will be running normal.

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How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture10


How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied Picture11How to slove that after reninstall mysql server and Server Manager connect DB Falied.docx

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